This week at Wild and Woolly, we have talked about..
..the eruption of the volcano on St. Vincent and how people who lived in the route of the lava flow and have lost everything, still prefer to stay on the island which they’ve always called home.
..what parts of the knitted stitch you need to push the crochet hook through when creating the ridges either side of a central ladder before cutting a steek in a cardigan. unexpected bereavement and how it’s been, bearing that loss.
..which shades of camel silk will look most beautiful with which shades of linen for an Albers shawl.
..what adaptations are needed to turn a favourite Elton cardigan pattern into a sweater. the slowness of making the blanket which once made it daunting, has turned into what is best about it.
..the merits and then not, of blocking a mohair lace shawl that has acquired an enchantingly dimpled texture on account of the yarn overs and decreases.
..the inspiring courage and spirit of the Clapton school girls who stood up – by sitting down – for what they believed was right and just.
And right now, extraordinarily lucky I feel that this river of life flows past the shop each week.