We can fix this!

Yarns may come and go but some things remain the same at Wild and Woolly. Ever since we opened up in 2014, it’s been a point of principle that if you come through the door with some knitting in need of sorting out, we’ll do our level best to work out the problem and solve it – regardless of where you got your wool and the pattern from. 

We do things this way because 

a) we really like people to finish the knitting they started by making it into a thing that someone can love wearing

b) we really really like solving knitting puzzles – it’s a bit like getting Wordle or solving a crossword clue, getting the stitches to all make sense again

c) we really really really love knitting, and if your knitting love is stuffed away lost in a project bag with a confusing pattern and a project whose stitches don’t add up,  we feel an overwhelming urge to rescue the project and your love for it.

BUT! (you knew there would be a but – right?) I’ve known for a while that there is a missing piece here and that however much we love to fix your knitting, it’s probably high time that we spread that knitting problem solving joy by teaching knitters how to fix their own mistakes. 

So after 8 years of exhaustive, immersive and participatory research into the most common mistakes made by knitters of all shapes, sizes and skills sets, The Wool Kitchen and I have cooked up a brand new class to kick off this New Knitting Year to deepen your knitting knowledge and fortify your skills and help you love it even more.

Our new Fixing Mistakes class will launch on 13 November but don’t worry if you can’t make it. We will have more dates for 2023  that we’ll announce later on. And in the meanwhile rest assured that our knitting fixing open door policy will carry on forever at Wild and Woolly.

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