Reaching the end of the round…

In the shop-as-sweater-project version of life, this time of year often feels like we’re fast approaching the stitch marker at the end of a mightily long round.  It’s a time for unfurling the fabric and seeing where you’ve got to, delighting in your nicely opposite leaning increases, and the fuzzy halo that’s hovering above the stitches. My shop keeper-ish equivalent involves scrolling back through the pictures from the shop over the year, and feeling more than a little bit soppy about all you knitters, what you’ve created over the year in stitches, colour and warmth, the skills you’ve developed and then shared, the new and spectacular directions your projects have taken. And all of this through the incessant, sometimes lonely and exhausting demands of COVID restrictions. I know that for many of you knitting has been an important source of calm and reassurance. We all knitted our way this far – Let’s hope we can reach a marker at the end of the next round next year which feels more hopeful. In the meanwhile, here’s a window’s eye view of how the year went..

Our 2021 Window Highlights..

Purls of Wisdom are taking a break this week for an enormous THANK everyone who has bought Yarn Forward vouchers this year. Every voucher gets printed and pinned to the Yarn Forward notice board, where they are easily accessible for low/no income knitters to take and use towards the wool and needles they need. Wherever possible we try and also write your name on the vouchers so it’s clear who they are from.  As well as vouchers there are now also thank you notes pinned to the board, making it plain what the vouchers have meant to the knitters that used them. The board has worked so well that we’ve decided to continue it indefinitely so please please do spread the word that the vouchers are there. Any low/no income knitter who needs one is welcome to help themselves from the board. No questions asked. And for anyone who’d like to keep the board going you can add your own voucher here.

And that’s a wrap!  Here’s wishing you all a warm, peaceful and happy holiday full of knitting, and a wonderful 2021 with lots of new woolly adventures!

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