Yeah right – What tin?? If I had a tin for everyone who says that it does what it says on it, I’d be a tinillionaire. There’s never a tin, and I bloomin love tins. So show me the tin!
Well you did ask..
Oh my goodness me! You meant it – You’ve made a tin and it says what you do on it. RESPECT!
Don’t you want to see what’s inside?
It’s got stuff inside? I think I’m just going to have to take a moment to do some yoga breathing first. I’m a bit too excited. A tin which says what it does on it and has things inside. Ok. I’m ready. Open the tin. Go for it.
Whoa! The tin has all that in it and it all fits?
Of course it all fits. It can’t do the things if the things don’t fit inside.
Hang on. I love the tin. Really I do. But here’s the thing. I already have some scissors. And I might already have enough tape measures to measure the distance to your shop from Ulan Bator and back. Could you cut me a special deal and leave the scissors and the tape measure out?
Not only can we leave the scissors and the tape measure out. You get to decide what you put in. Basically you choose which colour tin you want and then you select from all the bits and pieces. You can even leave it empty and just get the tin to fill with stuff you’ve already got at home.
Ok, this is really working for me. Can we talk about what all the knitty bits and pieces are. I love knitty bits and pieces almost as much as I love tins.
With pleasure!
Clockwise from the top left:
Wild and Woolly stainless steel needle gauge, Tulip magnetic case of tapestry needles, fastening tape measure, Flox knitting-crochet tool (use as a cable needle, stitch picker-upper, seam baster, 3rd needle, dropped stitch catcher, stitch holder), Addi embroidery scissors, Knit Coin gift card (in case you’re giving it to a friend and want to let them choose what to put in) mini digital yarn weighing scales, Clover repair hooks, Wild and Woolly stitch marker tin (a bit Russian dolls I know but we couldn’t not), 2 x 1m lengths of stitch holder cord tubing.
… … Sorry, just doing a bit more yoga breathing… …
I’m now perfectly calm, also really resisting the urge to include the scissors and another tape measure. I think you need to talk to me a bit more about the digital yarn weighing scales. Are scales even allowed to be that cute?!?
I’m really pleased you asked about the scales. They are probably my personal favourite item in the tin today. You know when you’re worried about having enough yarn left for both sleeves when you’ve finished the body? Well you weigh what’s left and just make sure you only use half for each sleeve. Yarn Chicken: nil. Knitter: 1. Same for toe-up socks. Start with 100g, stop the first sock when you’ve got 50g left and start the next one. No left-overs. Thank you very much. You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure.
Stop. Stop. Stop. Enough already. The tin says what you do on it and it does it with bells on. You win.
Actually not with bells on. That would be reindeer and alpine goats. We only do the knitty thing here.
The tin is yours. We had a knitter just like you in mind when we were working out what should go inside. Wild and Woolly in a box tins are ready for you here, but be quick with the scales, we only have a few left!