Coming home from work in the daylight, daffodill buckets at the supermarket checkout, blosssom appearing on street corners, and leaving the house without long johns: spring is on the way and for me that means my knitting plans are opening up – or at least acquiring buttons so they can. Cardigans are the original 2-for-1 sweater. Wear them all the year round by all means, but surely spring time is the season most aligned with the fundamental optimism of the cardigan. Here’s our first crop of 9: plain or patterned, we recommend all of them..
Trouville by Sophie Ochera – Yes it needs steeking, yes it uses 4ply and yes, there are loads of colours, bobbles and stripes, but oh boy, a more joyful knit is hard to find. Plan your colours using SO’s handy colouring-in page, use up your sock yarn left overs and come to our steeking class . If ever the
Double Trouble by Veera Välimäki : This one is equal parts knitable, finishable and wearable. Your very first garment project or a palette cleanser after an epic fairisle. And if the 2 colour thing is not your thing (I’m not sure it’s mine), just do it in one. Make it in £6.75/ball Dlana and it’s also a sweater-for-less winner coming in at £30-£40 for the first 4 sizes
Pearson by Julie Hoover : Don’t say ‘if only she made it seamless’. Do say ‘Oh thank goodness it’s not one of those all in one patterns again!’. For all you straight knitting sewer-uppers, this one is for you. Some call it the most perfect cardie-basic in the world. Go luxurious with Penelope , soft with WYS Pure , rustic with Brusca , or hard-wearing with Vovó .
Black Basalt by Åsa Tricosa How I love this cardigan! Another one of AT’s beguiling Ziggurat patterns where the next step is always unexpected and everything is contiguous: neck, shoulders and button band- and it all fits perfectly. Oh, and that shaped intarsia triangle on the cuff – a spicy epilogue to remind you of its genius construction and thrilling knitting for all the years you wear it. Burgos by Rosa Pomar : Made it straight to both our lists as soon as it came out last year – Burgos uses just 3-5 balls of João mixed with mohair silk . Knit it in a fortnight, wear it with everything. This is the one you won’t ever want to take off.
Shandy by Thea Colman . This one’s here for cardie-ists who like their knitting with a twist. I chose Shandy but truthfully, I would happily have picked Vodka Lemonade or any other TC jacket. Beautifully scaled cables that never seem to overpower the garment. I like mine muted in Rauwerk but choose Dehesa for smoother more defined texture.
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